California Voters Deliver a Victory for Proposition 14 The Passage of Proposition 14 Underscores Californians’ Commitment to Continue Investments in the Discovery of Groundbreaking Treatments and Cures for Chronic Diseases…

California Voters Deliver a Victory for Proposition 14 The Passage of Proposition 14 Underscores Californians’ Commitment to Continue Investments in the Discovery of Groundbreaking Treatments and Cures for Chronic Diseases…
Lisa didn’t know there was a history of Huntington’s disease in her family until she started experiencing symptoms. But if you do know there’s Huntington’s in your family, you can have a test from the age of 18 to see if you’ll also get it.
Covid-19 has consumed our entire lives, and for many, our livelihoods. This is a pandemic like we have never experienced in our lifetime, bringing out in many families fear, financial devastation, disabilities, isolation, suffering, and worst of all, loss of life. But through all this, the pandemic has uncovered emotions in many who rose to the occasion – a fight and stamina beyond human belief.
The uncontrolled jerking and writhing movements associated with Huntington’s disease are well known, along with cognitive decline. But doctors who treat Huntington’s patients are far less familiar with the pain and depression their patients endure almost constantly.
The OC Marathon wrote a very nice spotlight piece on HDCare. Read the whole article here.
BBC News video that looks at Huntington's Disease. Watch the full video here