Save the date! HD-Care invites you to our summer fundraiser on Saturday September 30, 2023 1-4pm at Campus Jax. Live music and "Live Ask" opportunity to support HD research and…

Save the date! HD-Care invites you to our summer fundraiser on Saturday September 30, 2023 1-4pm at Campus Jax. Live music and "Live Ask" opportunity to support HD research and…
REGISTER HERE Free Event; *COMPLIMENTARY PARKING: Health Sciences Parking Structure, please park in "Patient Parking" stalls
Presentations - Posters - Networking - Lunch SATURDAY, JULY 23RD9:30 AM - 2:00 PMWCH Room #205 and 206 Keynote Speaker and Patient Advocate: Frances SaldañaPresentation Title: "Advocacy and Promoting Excellence…
This will be a hybrid in person/virtual 2-day event aimed at facilitating an exchange of knowledge and experiences between patients, clinicians and researchers within the Southern California neurodegeneration community and…
Join Imagine Collective at the California Charity Classic at Bella Collina Country Club. Make an impact and have a blast doing it by playing in a benefit golf tournament at…
Join us for the 2020 Huntington’s Disease Educational Symposium! Due to health concerns over the current COVID-19 pandemic, this year we will be hosting a “virtual” educational symposium. There is no cost to participate, but you must pre-register. Visit our events page to read more and register.
SAVE THE DATE! HD-CARE 4th Annual Symposium at UCI Stem Cell Research Center. Registration is free and opens September 1st. Further details to follow. View event program PROGRAM FINAL OCT…
Join us as we open our doors for a day of education and research at our annual Stem Cell Awareness Day Open House and Community Lecture. Register here.