Congratulations to Dr. Leslie M. Thompson for being a Big Ideas Challenge winner. Leslie heads the HD research lab at UCI and is on the HDCare Scientific Advisory Board. Please…

Congratulations to Dr. Leslie M. Thompson for being a Big Ideas Challenge winner. Leslie heads the HD research lab at UCI and is on the HDCare Scientific Advisory Board. Please…
Huntington's Disease News reports on a new treatment known as Gene Silencing Therapies. Read more by Victoria Tan here.
The Carl W. Cotman Scholar's Award is a prestigious award in honor of UCI MIND's founding Director, Dr. Carl Cotman. The award is given to a postdoctoral trainee who has…
"In the face of unimaginable tragedy, Frances became a powerful force for good" Americans for Cures has written a beautiful write up on HDCare's very own Frances Saldaña. Read the full…
In the May publication of Science Magazine the University of California San Diego School of Medicine and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have discovered a link between Huntington’s…
HD-CARE Running Team Rocks! THANK YOU to Karen Thorburn for chairing out event again this year! Thank you also to Collins Nguyen of the Undergraduate HD Club and student volunteers, for…
Statement from Roche and AAN Huntington's Community as originally reported on We Have a Face Global Times, read more here.
Johns Hopkins researchers find possible pathway to protect cells against oxidative stress linked to Huntington’s disease. Read more from John Hopkins Medicine here.
New CNN report reveals promising trial to help fight Huntington's disease. Read more from CNN here.