Register for Community Seminar with Dr. Sarah Tabrizi!
Thank you to everyone who came out for our first Pickleball Tournament last Saturday, October 12th! We had a fantastic turn out and everyone brought so much great energy.
Congrats to our winners!
High Intermediate: 1st: Michael P. and Bryant N., 2nd: Aiden B. and Craig B. (Simon) 3rd: Ranier C. and Patrick C.
Intermediate: 1st: Gabriel M. and Nick K., 2nd: Sam D. and Terri H., 3rd: Mark L. and Matt L.
Beginner: 1st: Lisa C. and Bernard R., 2nd: Sagar G. and Ravinder G.
We want to give a special thank you to our sponsors: Aspire Products, Crean Foundation, Jar Insurance, Regal Medical Group, and Tammy Schuff, whose support made the tournament both possible and a success! And for prizes, thank you to Costco, DeFalco Family Wine & Foods and SportsBasement!
Congrats to the Thompson Lab on their recent discovery published in Nature Neuroscience discovering molecular mechanisms driving RNA processing defects …